Why I Won't Charge You 1000s of Dollars for My Personal Trading Method that I Use Every Day to Rake In Nice Sums of Profit and that Fixes a Very Real and Very Serious Trading Problem:
This article is a bit long but worth reading.
(At least I think so.)
So you want to know why I decided to (1) sell my personal trading method and (2) sell it at a price you can easily afford to pay?

OKAY! Fair enough! Let's jump right in ... .

HI; my name is Lode M. Loyens and I am a full-time trader. It's what I do for a living. I trade from home, entirely by myself and for myself, using my own money. I am completely self-taught. Everything I know about trading I learned on my own through endless trials and errors; the hard way really.

Yet, despite the many difficulties I succeeded in making trading a profitable business. And by all accounts, trading has been good to me thus far. It allows me to take care of my family, pay my bills, live comfortably and enjoy life.

But it wasn't always like that. In fact I was as far removed from trading as Mars is from earth. Truth be told I had never even heard of trading and I didn't know a living soul who did this.

Besides I was struggling financially. I had no surplus money at all back then, not even for a night at the movies. So, even if I would have known about trading then, I wouldn't have had the money to do it anyway.

Moving ahead to 2013. I am struggling to make a go of yet another business; the umpth one. My stress level is through the roof. One day, whilst working, I get slammed emotionally and mentally; the result of a major burn-out. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Much needed rest kept me housebound. Bored out of my skull from having nothing to do all day, I surfed TV channels and landed on a infomercial about Forex trading. Even though I had zero interest in the subject, I couldn't turn away from the channel because I couldn't keep my eyes off the spokeswoman. She was tantalizing hot.

When she mentioned that a free Forex trading seminar would be held at a hotel that happened to be near my house, well ... I just had to attend. My reason for going wasn't to learn Forex trading. I really just wanted to meet the TV lady.

As you probably guessed already, she was a no-show. Although disappointed, I decided to stay anyway because the event was free and they offered free coffee, sandwiches and fruit (very shallow and lame of me, I know).

By the time the seminar was over, which took 4 hours, I was hooked. I scraped together $1000 and opened a trading account at my local bank. In my mind I was now in the Forex Trading Business. The fact that I didn't have a clue how to trade didn't bother me. My motto was: "I'll figure it out."

But I didn't figure it out. And over a period of 3 years, I lost enough money to buy a new car and pay for it in full. Money I had callously taken from my business which was barely staying afloat. All the stuff I'd been learning on the internet up to that point clearly wasn't working.

There had to be a better way to trade and make money. There had to be some sort of trading method that would be much easier, a lot simpler and above all profitable. I searched and searched on the internet, in libraries and bookstores but couldn't find anything even close to what I was looking for.

Desponded, I decided to create my own. It took 11 months of much frustration and aggrevation putting it all together but I did. I finally had a simple Forex trading method that made money consistently and that above all, protected my profits from losses; something no other trading method seems to offer or even talks about. Why? I don't know.

By now it's end 2019. My personal trading method which I since dubbed "My Little Wealth System" or "MLWS" because it consistently earned money, has been humming along nicely for nearing 3 years. So much so, I decided to quit the business and focus only on Forex trading.

At the same time Covid devastates the world. People are dying by the millions. Those lucky enough to survive the deadly virus are being killed financially. Their life-savings are wiped out and businesses are forced to shutdown; some permanently. Many individuals world-wide lose everything they worked so hard and sacrificed so much for.

Seeing other people struggle financially whilst I was raking it in didn't sit well with me. Yes, I had had my trials too and yes, I had worked hard and sacrificed much to get to this point of financial abundance in my life.

Still ... I knew from personal experience just how demoralizing it is emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually when you end up in financial ruin through no fault of your own. Been there done that; several times ... . Trust me, it's not a place you want to be.

That's when I got the idea to make my personal trading method available to others and give at least some people a fighting chance to get back on their feet.

My biggest dilemma was whether to offer my method for free or charge an amount that most people could still afford to pay, despite their hardship. I decided on the latter; only because every time I had gotten something for free I never valued it. I didn't want that to happen with MLWS.

After so many years of struggling, never making headway, I am extremely grateful for the abundance I now get to enjoy in every aspect of my life. So I want to give back, pay it forward, call it whatever you want.

The simple truth is: I really just want to help others succeed. Yes, it sounds both corny and cliche but that's how I feel in my heart.

Besides, I am not forcing you to buy MLWS. That's entirely up to you. I set out to make MLWS available to as many people as possible. I now achieved that goal and that matters much more to me than any sale.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I appreciate you. God bless!

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